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Wysłane przez: raven
Data: 2004-05-17 09:18
This is the story of a man who lived in Utopia
He was a funny little fella with feet just like I showed ya

Well, he had a girl, her name was Mary Lou
She did everything for him that she could do

But still, still, still he wouldn't treat her right
He would leave in the morning, don't come back till late at night

Ahh, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
Ah, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
You did everything for him that you could do

I'm going to tell you a story about Mary Lou
I mean the kind of girl who make a fool of you
She'd make a young man groan and a poor man pain
The way she took my money was a cryin' shame
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Well, she picked up from Georgia, moved to Kalamazoo
Made her a fortune outta fools like you
Meet her a rich man who was married and had two kids
She stoked that cat till he flipped his lid
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Well, she came back to town about a week ago
Told me she was sorry she had hurt me so
I had a '55 Ford and a two dollar bill
They way she took that man she gave me a chill
Mary Lou -- she took my watch and chain
Mary Lou -- she took my diamond ring
Mary Lou -- she took my Cadillac car
Jumped in my Kitty and drove afar

Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
Ahh, Mary Lou (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)
Oh child you big fool (big fool, big fool)
You did everything for him that you could do (Mary Lou, Mary Lou)

You did everything for him that you could do; Frank Zappa (the man from Utopia meets Mary Lou)


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