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Jeśli chcesz mieć unikalny i zastrzeżony podpis
zarejestruj się.
A moim zdaniem... (wybrany wątek)
  • in Polish: It is estimated that in Poland, the balance of coal resources is about 500 billion tons, and by gasification it is possible to transform into syngas about 400 billion tons of hard coal, from which you can get a minimum of 800 bcm of full-value gas. The value of this fuel is EUR 250 billion, or billions of Polish zlotys. Therefore, with such ruthlessness, Germans, with the secret but obvious co-operation of the Polish power elites, are seeking to take over the Polish society of this largest business in Europe at the expense of the Polish society.
  • Stupid writing, a poor English writer.
  • Ej, oni was nie rozumieją to są ruskie ludzie wraz z naczelnym tego dziwacznego portelu :-)