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A moim zdaniem... (od najstarszych opinii)
  • ten magistrat to jakas nowa firma? kurde chyba dobrze tam placą bo się ludziska tak pchają ciekawe czy przyjeliby mnie na operatora wózka widlowego ???
    Zgłoś do moderacji     Odpowiedz
    dembica 102(2011-02-10)
  • Przydasz się jako operator wózka widłowego jak będą zmieniać ekipę. Wtedy trzeba będzie niektórych odrywać od stołków i wywozić. Musisz czuwać i mieć rękę na pulsie.
  • panie debica 102 a pan masz uprawnienia na wozek widlowy?????
  • Hello guys! I have just opened my own vape company and we are basically making our own e-juice and reselling other juices to vape shops. I thought that the best way to promote my vape company and get new clients would be through the vape company e-mail list from The Eliquid Boutique UK. I heard from many vape company owners that the vape company email list has helped them to take their business to the next level. I wanted to ask you whether you have personally used that vape company email list and whether you would recommend it? I just need some confirmation before I get it. Thanks for your time!
  • Hello guys! I have just opened my own vape company and we are basically making our own e-juice and reselling other juices to vape shops. I thought that the best way to promote my vape company and get new clients would be through the vape company e-mail list from The Eliquid Boutique UK. I heard from many vape company owners that the vape company email list has helped them to take their business to the next level. I wanted to ask you whether you have personally used that vape company email list and whether you would recommend it? I just need some confirmation before I get it. Thanks for your time!
  • Good morning I am looking to build up my B2B email list for newsletter marketing. I am very keen to get Ivy's B2B Leads Miner - Yellow Pages Scraper Software as it is probably one of the best Yellow Pages scrapers for UK and USA out there. I was just wondering if you have ever used this particular or any other scrapers before? Cheers guys!
  • Hello guys! I have just opened my own vape company and we are basically making our own e-juice and reselling other juices to vape shops. I thought that the best way to promote my vape company and get new clients would be through the vape company e-mail list from The Eliquid Boutique UK. I heard from many vape company owners that the vape company email list has helped them to take their business to the next level. I wanted to ask you whether you have personally used that vape company email list and whether you would recommend it? I just need some confirmation before I get it. Thanks for your time!